Reckless drivers are one of the leading causes for auto accidents, and there are fewer ways to drive more recklessly than by using a phone while driving. Sadly, there are many drivers that continue to use their phone when on the road, significantly increasing the chances of an accident as they are too distracted to react safely.

A big issue with these reckless drivers is that you can’t really spot them until it’s too late, as responsible drivers are focusing on driving safely so they may not notice another driver on their phone. Here are some ways to avoid reckless drivers who are distracted by their phones:

1. Safely Observe Other Drivers
This one requires some balance, as you never want to focus too much on another driver while still being mindful of your position and driving. So, be sure to use your mirrors to observe other drivers when it’s safe to do so, every 30-60 seconds if on a busy road, as this gives the best chance to spot someone using their phone and take suitable action.

Always keep your eyes moving and be fully aware of your surroundings!

2. Keep a Safe Distance
This is a good option to avoid reckless drivers in general, as keeping a safe enough distance should help minimize the risk of getting into an accident. For instance, if you stay a few extra car lengths behind a driver you see is on their phone then you have more time to react to their mistakes.

Imagine there is a bubble surrounding your car and you don’t want it to reach a certain distance to other vehicles. No matter how safely you are driving there could be someone in front or behind on their phone, so maintain a safe distance each way when possible.

3. Get Out Their Way
This may sound simple but it does require you to recognize the situation, which is why you should be observing others on the road to determine if they are safely driving. If you spot someone using their phone or think that they are but can’t confirm it, don’t take the risk and just move out of their way.

It requires some patience as you might need to slow down or even speed up to get out of their way.

4. Don’t Speed
Another simple but effective way to avoid drivers distracted by their phone is limiting your speed. This gives more time to properly react to the situation, whether that’s pulling over or getting out of their way, while giving more control over the vehicle should something dangerous happen.

5. Never Drive Tired or Angry
One of the main issues with reckless drivers using their phone is the difficulty in spotting the problem. While the onus is on them to drive safely and not use their phone, the truth is you need to rely on yourself to spot reckless drivers, which is harder to do when you are tired.

Furthermore, driving angry could make the situation worse, as you may react poorly to the other driver and find yourself not focusing either, becoming a reckless driver as well. Stay calm and alert, and if you find yourself getting too annoyed just pull over and take a breather.

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