Driving is a skill that takes time to learn. If you’re new to driving, you may have some questions about what it means to be a good driver. Here are some tips for safe and responsible driving:
Breakdowns and issues
If your car breaks down, move it to the side of the road as far as possible and put on hazard lights. If you are on a motorway, you must use the hard shoulder; if there is no hard shoulder, use a layby or pull onto flat land. Make sure that you switch off all electrical equipment (eg sat navs) before moving off, as this will increase your battery’s lifespan.
Use your mirrors.
- Use your mirrors. You can change lanes safely by looking over your shoulder and side-to-side at the same time. This allows you to see what is behind you and beside you without having to turn around, which could make you lose sight of what’s ahead.
- Make sure both of your hands are on the wheel before changing lanes or turning, unless it’s an emergency situation (e.g., someone running a red light). If this isn’t possible then use a single hand while keeping the other on the wheel at all times!
- Take advantage of high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes when they’re available; HOV lanes can help make commuting during rush hour easier than trying to navigate through traffic alongside private cars with individual passengers inside each one…but only if those passengers keep their eyes open!
Be prepared to stop.
Being prepared to stop is critical. You must know your vehicle’s braking capabilities, and be familiar with the road conditions around you. If you are not prepared to stop, it will be difficult or impossible to avoid a collision when one occurs.
How can I prepare myself and my vehicle for stopping?
- Check tire pressure regularly; don’t let air escape!
- Make sure that all lights are working properly (headlights, brake lights) so that other drivers can see you at night or in bad weather conditions like foggy rain storms which make it difficult for them to see you from far away distances if anything happens suddenly then they’ll be able to react accordingly but if everything is fine then nothing happens so we’re good there too!
Keep a safe following distance.
The best way to learn how to keep a safe following distance is by practicing. Start by calculating the appropriate amount of space you should leave behind your vehicle. Some drivers use one second per 10 mph, which makes for an easy calculation: for example, if you’re driving at 60 mph (about 80 km/h), you should leave about six seconds between yourself and the car ahead of you.
However, this rule may not always be reliable in real-world situations—so make sure to check your mirrors frequently when driving at highway speeds. If there’s another vehicle directly behind or beside yours (even if it’s just a few feet away), then pop into the left lane before returning to your normal position on the road. This will prevent someone from passing too closely right behind you and avoid any dangerous situations that could arise if they were following too closely!
Good driving is about safety, not speed.
- Good driving is about safety, not speed. While it’s important to be aware of the speed limit, it’s also vital to keep your eyes on the road and be aware of your surroundings at all times.
- Never tailgate! This can lead to road rage and severe accidents.
- Always wear a seatbelt when driving or being transported by car. Make sure everyone in the vehicle wears theirs as well!
- Be prepared for hazards like weather conditions, construction zones and other traffic problems that could slow down your commute home from work each day — use this time wisely by practicing good habits such as turning off distractions such as cell phones so that you’re ready when bad weather rolls through town!
These are five useful tips for safe and responsible driving. Although they may seem simple, they can make a big difference to your safety on the road. If you follow these tips, then you will be well on your way towards becoming a better driver!
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